Your Activity Level

Be honest about your activity level when searching for your puppy and deciding on a breed. Let's break it down. 

Walking around the block is not being active for a lot of adult dog breeds. If that is all you have time for that's great, but go for a low energy breed. A lot of Brachycephalic dog breeds are great for that lifestyle. 

Working all day, going home, and doing laundry, dishes then running a quick errand is busy work, but not an active life for a puppy/dog. Running errands and carting kids around is not going to use up puppy energy. It drains you, but not your puppy. You are busy not active, an active dog needs activity every day not just on the weekends. 

Being a runner, biker, jogger, hiker, or a person that does not use a car can make you an active person. Will you be doing those activities with your dog/puppy and how often? An active dog needs activity every day not just on the weekends.

Photo courtesy of Karolína Kočová - European K9 training base

Being Busy Doesn't Mean Active

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